
The Wall Chair Challenge

Have you heard of the wall chair challenge? (The wall chair is also known as the wall sit.) With this challenge, you are supposed to hold the wall chair position (described below) for 10 seconds on the first day, adding 10 seconds each day until you’ve reached 300 seconds (5 minutes) on the 30th day. This is a tremendous exercise for increasing leg strength (especially glutes and quads), and you’ll find that it doesn’t take long before the overall time becomes a good challenge.

The video above shows how to perform the wall chair with proper technique. You get into a position with your thighs parallel to the floor and back supported by a wall. It is important to have good alignment with your back against the wall, so you “flatten” the back and make sure the back of your head is also touching the wall. Your knees should be bent 90 degrees.

As explained in this Body Zone article, the wall chair is a type of isometric exercise, because you’re holding a muscular contraction in a static position. This type of exercise is actually easier on the joints. Holding yoga postures is a similar isometric type of activity. The Body Zone article has a link to a tracking sheet, or you can use the one I’ve included right here: Wall Chair Tracking Chart. Some people like to build days of rest into the challenge, while others just do a set amount every day.

The wall chair is a prime example of bodyweight exercises. There is no equipment needed–just a wall and your own bodyweight. No expensive accessories here!

Okay, I’m motivated to do the challenge. Anyone want to join me? 🙂

And for an added challenge, see the following graphic on how you can incorporate the arms by holding light dumbbells.

Wall Chair Supreme

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